Blog entry #6


Outside Earth 

    I have always had an interest about Space. Knowing that we are so tiny compared to other planets and

 galaxies in space makes me wonder how massive it really is. I always like to watch space type video 

randomly, or whenever they pop up on my explore page. Watching them and realizing how small we are

compared to space is a scary thought. There are millions of existing things in space that might not all be 

discovered as it grows every single day. It's cool at the same time because there's something new every

day.  Knowing how our planet will disappear one day and that we will not all be here someday does 

give me anxiety but it's part of life. Space is beautiful and terrifying but that is what makes it so 

interesting. I believe there is life outside of Earth because I think we can't be the only living being here 

on Earth. I've seen high quality pictures taken in space of stars and galaxies and I just get fascinated on 

how something can be formed and look a specific way. 

I also wonder the sounds of planets, galaxies and stars. Do they all have sounds? I know the planets we

 know in our solar system do. Listening to the audios for the first time was cool because I never thought

 they had sounds. Growing up I thought space stayed in one spot and nothing up there moved or died. 

Knowing planets and stars have their time limit too is a reminder that not everything lasts forever. That 

also means new things will appear and it could be helpful or improve our future. Not knowing what 

will happen in my future is scary but I hope we can discover more amazing events happening in

 space for our distant future.   


  1. Your four new entries look pretty good, Jasmine. Your writing flows well, and you are starting to work the concepts of rhetoric to connect to your audience and keep them engaged. You have some interesting topics for your audience to connect to. Pretty good visual appeal with images and layout. Nice work. Keep digging into analysis and development to create greater significance for your reader; you are a bit brief at times. Keep it up!

  2. Hi Jasmine! I also wonder about space often and what it's like out there. I always ask people if they would rather explore space or the ocean and it surprises me how frequently people answer that they would rather explore the ocean. If I had the opportunity I would definitely want to explore space because everything about it is so interesting.


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