Blog #3

 Slanted News 

    Slanted news is more focused on political and biased news. This could lead to very biased information that is being presented to others who are observing. This also leads to misinformation and not every single detail is being discussed. This world has biased people all around, so we have to be careful on who we get our source information from. Slanted news will give only some true facts and only focus on what they want to present to the world. Not all information is being discussed which leads to viewers being mislead or somewhat manipulated. Language being used in slanted news is also a big role part. People giving slanted news will make you feel a certain way by presenting their choice of words to a specific extent. 

Image source: Image source

    Slanted News can provide lack of evidence on where they got source information. This is where biased opinionated news will come from. We can look around the internet for other sources to see if the news we are being given is slanted or not. Slanted news will lean towards a certain audience to make them feel like they need to interact or something bad will occur. Most of the time helping out will make a change to the world and it is an amazing thing to give and provide, when you are given the right source information and not gibberish. We need to be more opened to our resources and stay informed within our society and understand the real message of what is being presented. 


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